What is Kete?

Kete is a collaboration engine. It is open source software that you can use to create and share online. Write topics and upload images, audio, video, documents. Discuss them all. Link them together. It's a fun way to get things done. Check out the FAQ for more about Kete. Feel free to ask your questions there!

Kete was originally developed by Horowhenua Library Trust and Katipo Communications, Ltd. for the Kete Horowhenua site.

You can join the Mailing List, or check out the Mailing List Archive or visit our #kete IRC channel on Freenode.

#kete IRC channel

Feature overview

Where can I get the software?

You'll want to read the Downloads page and the Installation Guide. You can also browse the source code at https://github.com/kete/kete.

Who uses Kete?

This site runs on Kete. Check out the map (or list view) of sites that we know that run Kete at http://old.kete.net.nz/site/kete_sites.

Has Kete won any awards?

What is the roadmap for current and future development?

What are some of the other resources on this site?

How can I contribute code?

Latest 7 topics

Get together at National Digital Forum 2017
I am looking at the tags in Kete Christchurch http://ketechristchurch.peoplesnetworknz.info I have derives a list of all the tags used 
Digital New Zealand is turning off support for V1 or their API, this topic will tell you how to update
We have some contributors who would like to have added the attribution non derivatives licences to our site (tauranga.kete.net.nz). I notice
Hi there,   On Wednesday July 24, Horowhenua Library Trust, Rabid and Digital NZ are meeting to discuss the Phase