Topic: How can I modify the display of topic type links on a topic's detail page?

Topic type:

Kete 1.3 includes a breadcrumb style display of a topic's topic type and that topic type's ancestors if it is a subtopic type. This answers how to get back 1.2 behavior and other options.

Ticket #296 allows for the showing of ancestry of a topic's topic type as a breadcrumb.

This style of display may not suit all situations and you have several options, via theming and localization to change its options.

Changing the breadcrumb delimiter character

The default breadcrumb delimiter is " » ", you can change this by using the /translate web interface (or editing the locale file directly) to replace the value for the base.breadcrumb_delimiter translation. Right-to-left language locale's will likely want to replace it with " « ". 

You can also change it for any any existing locale (including the default English) via /translate interface if you simply prefer another character.

Hiding the breadcrumb delimiter totally

The breadcrumb delimiter is wrapped in a span tag and can be hidden totally.

In your theme's CSS, add a rule like this:

.breadcrumb-delimiter { display: none }

You could then write other CSS rules (such as border-left or a background image on the li for the breadcrumb list) to suit.

Showing "Topic Type:" prefix

In Kete 1.2, the topic type was preceded by the string "Topic Type:". In 1.3, we have gotten rid of this display, but you can easily get it back by adding this to your theme's CSS:

.topic-type-prefix { display: inline; }

Hiding Ancestor Topic Types

In 1.3, the new display looks like this for a topic type that is a subtype (using Artist as an example topic type):

Topic » Person » Artist

What if you prefer to just show "Artist"? Add this to your theme's CSS:

ul.breadcrumb li.ancestor-topic-type {
    display: none;
ul.breadcrumb li.selected-topic-type .breadcrumb-delimiter {
    display: none;

The second rule gets rid of the preceding ».

Please edit this topic if you have more information or questions or use discussion if you have issues.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License
How can I modify the display of topic type links on a topic's detail page? by Walter McGinnis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License